
윈 3.0용 프로그램인데 마우스 커서가 움직이면.. 고양이가 쫓아다닙니다.





                             Version 1.0


                            Dara T. Khani

                              (c) 1991



This program is the Windows 3.0 version of Neko.

Neko means cat in Japanese.  The original program (non MS-Windows)

was written by Masayuki Koba and later modified by Tatsuya Kato.


When you run the program, a window is opened with Neko inside it.

As you move the mouse, Neko will follow.  If the mouse is inside the

window and it is not moving, Neko will go to sleep.  When the mouse 

is moved Neko will awake and will chase the mouse.  If the mouse is

outside the window and it is not moving, Neko will scratch the window

boundary and goes to sleep.


The Settings option can be used to modify Neko's parameters.


When Neko is iconic the program timer is killed.  It will restart

when the user requests that the icon be opened.



This program may be freely copied and distributed, as long as it is

not modified in any way, and this text file is always included with

the executable.  Please send any suggestions, comments, or bug reports

to one of the following addresses:


       Internet:       darak@iplmail.orl.mmc.com


                       Dara T. Khani

                       1088 McKinnon Ave.

                       Oviedo, FL 32765


Disclaimer: Neko is distributed free.  No warranty exists,

either express or implied.  No liability is assumed for any damage or

loss resulting from the use of this program.



Revision history:


Version 1.0 - Apr. 15, 1991

Initial release version.


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